Visual Productions adds MA3 compatibility to its lighting controllers.
The MA3 Templates are available for most of our lighting controllers, targeted at architectural and system integration markets. See the end of this page for the full list of compatible products.
The templates and macros interface and automate in both directions: from grandMA3 consoles to various Visual Productions controllers (using MA3 Macros and Executors) and from Visual Productions controllers to grandMA3 consoles (using Templates). The OSC network protocol is used for this, as it is supported by both manufacturers.
The MA3 Macros are available from our Downloads section in this website under Miscellaneous. Templates for controlling a grandMA3 with Visual Productions' controllers will be included in upcoming firmware versions and can be selected from the Templates list which can be found on the Show Control page of each controller. Just like any other Template, selecting an MA3 Template in a Visual Productions controller will automatically create the Actions List with associated Actions, Triggers and Tasks.
For grandMA3, in general any button or cue can be assigned a macro which can be part of a preprogrammed show. The OSC command set will then trigger the associated task in a Visual Productions controller.
Below is an overview of all MA3 macros we prepared:
Make sure to set the correct OSC Remote network configuration on the MA3 to match the Visual Productions settings. See the MA3 manual here.
grandMA3 controlling CueCore3
Template name: MA3 → Playbacks

MA3 can jump to Cues in Playbacks and can release Playbacks

In MA3 import the Visual Productions macros. They appear in your Macro Pool. Simply push a button named "Core Playback 1 Jump 1” or "Core Playback 1 Release”.

A typical application would be: trigger house lights presets as part of the show lighting without patching and integrating any of the fixtures in the MA3 show
B-Station2 controlling grandMA3
Template name: Buttons → MA3

Use any of the 6 B-Station2 buttons to control an MA3 Executor's Go command. Short press starts the Executor, long press releases the Executor. In B-Station2's Show Control, you can adapt the Executor to be controlled,or replace the Executor by any valid MA3 command. This is done in the Task menu.

The B-Station2 can be used as a simplified and accessible remote control for a complex MA3 system.
Feedback is provided by MA3: it switches the LED ring in the B-Station2 on and off provided you have added our MA3 feedback macros to the Cues and Off-Cues in the Executors controlled.
MA Lighting
grandMA3 compatible products